Watch the Pathway come to life!

If your property contains beneficial plant species for pollinators,
add your address to our map and become an official ‘stop along the Pathway!’

Our landscapes need to meet certain criteria to truly benefit pollinators. We use the criteria determined by the National Wildlife Federation. If your property meets the requirements of any of the following three designation levels, complete the form below and your address will appear in green on the map, and as more properties join the Pathway, pollinators will forage with ease throughout our “sea of green” connected-dots landscape!

Is your property a…

POLLINATOR PIT STOP (light green), our most accessible designation:

Or is it a…

POLLINATOR B&B (medium green), for more dedicated pollinator advocates:

  • At least five native flowering plant species, including one or more larval host plants providing food for caterpillars (here is a list of larval host plants for the butterflies of our region), with three-season bloom (at least one species blooming in spring, summer and fall)

  • No synthetic chemical pesticide use in your landscape

Or are you a…

POLLINATOR 5-STAR HOTEL* (dark green), our highest designation for the most ecologically-beneficial landscapes:

  • More than five native flowering plant species, including one or more larval host plants providing food for caterpillars, with three-season bloom (at least one species blooming in spring, summer and fall)

  • No synthetic chemical pesticide use in your landscape

  • A water source of almost any kind: a bird bath, a small dish with pebbles, or even a mud puddle, are all useful! Here is a how-to for hydrating pollinators.

  • Brush and leaf shelters: bare patches of soil, leaf litter, wood piles, dried stems/grasses, etc. are all valuable shelters for beneficial insects and pollinators. Leave your leaves, let your garden stand over winter, and save clean up for spring. Learn more here and here.

*Note that if you plant a native oak tree on your property, you automatically gain Pollinator 5-Star Hotel designation! Here is why native oaks are so important for pollinators.

Having trouble determining what plant species you have on your property and whether they’re native and pollinator-friendly? No problem! Send us an email and we’ll come by your house and help you identify your plant and tree species. We want everyone to be able to join this movement regardless of plant identification skills!

Support the Nyack Pollinator Pathway with our NPP garden sign! Want to show off your property’s ecological landscape designation and encourage others to follow your lead? Once your property is on the map, make a small tax-deductible donation ($20 is suggested) to the NPP and we’ll deliver you a sign to put in your yard. Donations help us plant more plants for pollinators throughout the Nyacks and our signage spreads the word about our mission and invites other residents to add their properties to the pathway as well!

Enter your address, let us know your property level designation, and make a donation to receive your garden sign here: